More AI pilots move HC against airline over contract termination, salary dues

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More AI pilots move HC against airline over contract termination, salary dues
At least five other pleas are filed within the Delhi supreme court by various Air India pilots who were suspended and subsequently terminated by the airline on account of Covid-related stress.

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The pilots have claimed that “management could terminate the contract of the petitioners only on account of unsatisfactory discharge of duties, unsatisfactory conduct, dishonesty, fraud or other act which in sight of the corporate was contrary to its interest but not otherwise”.
A group of senior Air India commanders and co-pilots have filed a petition in Delhi supreme court against the airline for terminating their contracts and not paying their salaries and flying related allowances since April 1 this year.

According to the petition, a replica of which was reviewed by The Sunday Express, the pilots who have filed the petition had retired and were appointed by Air India on a contractual basis. The pilots, whose contracts were terminated by the airline following a Covid-related suspension, have claimed that “management could terminate the contract of the petitioners only on account of unsatisfactory discharge of duties, unsatisfactory conduct, dishonesty, fraud or other act which in sight of the corporate was contrary to its interest but not otherwise”.

“It is submitted that even just in case of the discontinuation of service, the management is required to offer either one month’s notice or an amount equivalent one month’s fixed consideration,” the pilots noted in their petition.

At least five other pleas are filed within the Delhi supreme court by various Air India pilots who were suspended and subsequently terminated by the airline on account of Covid-related stress being faced by the aviation sector.

For the sooner batch of petitions, Air India has already filed a reply saying that it’s terminated the services of over 40 pilots, who tendered resignations but later withdrew an equivalent , as substitutes for them were engaged.

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