New ransomware attack: The REvil malware hit a wide range of IT vendor

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ransomware attack

US cyber authorities are following a significant new ransomware attack by the very group that hit meat provider JBS Foods this spring.

This time, the REvil malware hit a wide range of IT the management organizations and compromised many their corporate customers.

The cybercriminal pack, which is accepted to work out of Eastern Europe or Russia, designated a key programming merchant known as Kaseya, whose items are broadly utilized by IT the executives organizations, online protection specialists said.

On Saturday, President Joe Biden said that the US government isn’t sure who is behind the assault, yet he has guided administrative offices to aid the reaction.

This most recent ransomware assault has effectively taken out no less than twelve IT support firms that depend on Kaseya’s remote management tool called VSA, said Kyle Hanslovan, CEO of the cybersecurity firm Huntress Labs.

In somewhere around one case, Hanslovan said, the assailants demanded ransom of $5 million.

The episode influences the IT the executives organizations, and additionally those organizations’ corporate customers that have outourced IT management to them, Hanslovan said. He assessed that upwards of 1,000 small to-medium sized organizations might be influenced by the hack.

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