Twitter has shared three early plan ideas for new features it’s thinking about for its service. “Trusted Friends” would allow clients to restrict the audience for select tweets to a more modest circle of close companions, while “Facets” could allow you to classify your tweets when you send them. At last, the help is likewise considering allowing clients to list certain phrases that they’d prefer not to find in their replies. These thoughts are in their beginning phases, Twitter says, and none are presently in dynamic turn of events.
Many Twitter clients as of now have different records to isolate their work and individual lives, regularly with one of them being private to forestall sharing personal news too openly. However, highlights like Trusted Friends and Facets could consider a similar usefulness from a single record.
Trusted Friends could offer a toggle to allow you to signify that a tweet ought to be public or just for companions (like Instagram’s “close friends” highlight), while Facets offers more granular control, hypothetically allowing you to sort your tweets into professional and personal classifications, yet additionally explicit hobbies or interests you may have. Twitter says you may then have the option to follow somebody only for their tweets on a specific point, instead of following their record in general.
The last proposed feature would allow you to indicate certain expressions you’d prefer not to find in the replies to your tweets.
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