Actress Juhi Chawla had filed a case against the rollout of the 5g network some days back. Delhi High Court has however dismissed the case. The court said that the case was flawed and it might have been filed just for publicity. The court additionally imposed a fine amounting to Rs 20 lakhs on the actress, expressing that the offended parties “mishandled the cycle of law”.

Juhi Chawla had filed a case against the 5G rollout the last Monday. She asserted that the radiation the 5G network will emanate is “incredibly destructive and harmful to the wellbeing and security of individuals”. Juhi had said that she is not against technology and related advancements but she is concerned about the environment. There is adequate motivation to accept that the radiation is incredibly destructive and damaging to the well-being and security of individuals.
On Wednesday, it was the first hearing of the case, and Justice JR Midha was directing the situation, said that the case was an inadequate one. The Center on its part looked for excusal of the suit considering it a “paltry” one. The court had saved its request for now.

Also, in the virtual hearing that was held on Wednesday, an unidentified individual interfered and started singing film melodies that had included Juhi. Midha guided his staff to file a complaint with Delhi Police and recognize the unknown court vocalist, while giving disdain of court notice.
Later, it was discovered that Juhi Chawla had shared the meeting link on social media and had invited people to join the meeting.
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My name is Srishti Gupta. I like writing about the latest events in Bollywood. I am a news writer at Review Minute.