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Introducing most recent punjabi remix “DJ Punjabi Song 4 by 4 sung by Shipra Goyal”. The remix of the tune is finished by DJ Rink while music of new punjabi tune is given by Ikwinder Singh while verses are written by Alfaaz.
Melody: 4 by 4
Artist: Shipra Goyal
Remix By: DJ RInk
Organized By – Dj Rink Soundfactory (Ajaxx Cadel)
Music: Ikwinder Singh
Verses: Alfaaz
Music Label: T-Series
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WATCH MORE : Chann Te Plot – Gurnam Bhullar | New Punjabi Song

My name is Nishtha Kathuria. I have a keen interest in writing about latest happenings in Technology. I am a news writer at Review Minute.