ZTE Banned by Sweden From Upcoming 5G Networks

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Swedish regulators on Tuesday banned the utilization of telecommunication system from China’s Huawei and ZTE in its 5G network before the spectrum auction scheduled for next month.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) said the setting of the licence conditions followed assessments by the Swedish soldiers and therefore the Swedish Security Service .

European governments are reviewing the role of Chinese companies in building their networks following pressure from the us , which says they pose a security threat because, among other concerns.

Huawei and ZTE didn’t immediately answer requests for discuss the choice by Sweden.

PTS said companies participating within the auction must remove Huawei and ZTE gear from existing central functions by January 1, 2025.

The regulator defined central functions as equipment wont to build the radio access network, the transmission network, the core network and therefore the service and maintenance of the network.

PTS said the licence conditions were decided to deal with the assessments made by the soldiers and Security Service .

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