NASA page allows you to see what Hubble telescope captured on your birthday

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NASA page allows you to see what Hubble telescope captured on your birthday
Recently, the US-based space agency announced that it can showcase which new galaxy it captured, what unusual did it notice about our stars, system and planets and what patterns of ionized-gases it observed, on our birthdays.

Spacecraft, Spaceflight, Space observatories, Astronomy, Hubble Space Telescope, Hubble , Great Observatories program, Lockheed Corporation, Gyroscope, Hubble, NASA, John M. Grunsfeld, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Servicing Mission, United

NASA Hubble telescope (Image: NASA)
The mysterious world of space has still not been deciphered by the gaze of citizenry on Earth. As a matter of fact, NASA in its consistent efforts, developed the Hubble telescope within the 1990s to watch eye-catching happenings within the universe and since then for each second, it’s doing that quite persistently.

Recently, the US-based space agency announced that it can showcase which new galaxy it captured, what unusual did it notice about our stars, system and planets and what patterns of ionized-gases it observed, on any specific day. So users can use the new tool to see what Hubble captured on your birthday, except for any specific year.

We decided to require a random day of each month over the decades to list the cosmic mayhem within the space.

January 26, 2016
The telescope, on today , captured the disintegration of an ancient comet 332P/Ikeya-Murakami while it approaches towards the sun. it had been one among the clearest views of a breaking icy comet.

February 15, 1998
This was an astounding capture because the telescope snapped the collusion of two dwarf galaxies one among which is I Zwicky 18 with another one on its upper right. This led to the formation of a replacement star.

March 6, 2012
On today , a disc surrounding a star ‘Beta Pictoris’, which was discovered in 1984, was found to be constituted by two planets, light-scattering dust and debris.

April 10, 1999
Hubble captured some colourful patterns of gases in region powered galaxy which is understood as ‘Circinus Galaxy’. These gases depicted a cauldron of vapours, concentrated in two disks of the galaxy.

May 23, 2013
This day marked the capturing of ‘Galaxy Cluster Abell 2744’ which is 3.5 billion light-years away and has several clusters of small galaxies in it. It also poses a robust field which acts as a lens to reflect the sunshine of just about 3,000 background galaxies.

June 25, 2011
The telescope took a snapshot of Neptune which is that the most distant planet. The image of the earth revealed the formation of high-altitude clouds composing of methane ice crystals.

July 11, 2000
On today , the collision between two galaxies UGC 06471 and UGC 06472 which are 145 million light-years faraway from the world was captured. The collision eventually led to the formation of a bigger galaxy.

August 25, 2017
Triangulum Galaxy was snapped depicting the precise areas of star birth with a azure light spreading across the galaxy in beautiful nebulas of hot gas.

September 23, 2010
Hubble clicked the image of ‘Galaxy ESO 243-49, which had a medium-sized region . The 20,000 suns sized region was positioned on a glacial plane of the galaxy.

October 19, 2014
The telescope captured an encounter of a comet named C/2013 A1 with Mars. The ‘Comet Siding Spring’ passed with a distance of just 87,000 miles thereto of Mars.

November 25, 2014
‘Gum 29’ a vibrant stellar being ground, which is 20,000 light-years away, consisting of an enormous cluster of three ,000 stars was captured by the telescope. This behemoth cluster of stars is named ‘Westerlund 2’.

December 7, 1995
The snapshot of ‘Southern Ring Nebula’ was recorded which did show two stars – a bright white star and a fainter dull star at the centre of the nebula where the dull star was indeed creating the entire nebula.

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