Now, a case has been filed in opposition to Bollywood biggies Salman Khan, Karan Johar, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, and Ekta Kapoor. Advocate Sudhir Kumar Ojha has filed a grievance below Sections 306, 109, 504 & 506 of IPC in reference to the actor’s death in a court docket in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur. Talking to an information company, Ojha mentioned that he has alleged that Sushant was faraway from round seven movies, and a few of his movies weren’t launched. He mentioned that these conditions compelled him to take the intense step. It was Congress chief Sanjay Nirupam who claimed that Sushant misplaced seven movies in a span of six months.

Responding to the Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise case in opposition to her, Ekta Kapoor took to her Instagram deal with to answer the identical. “Thanks for the case for not casting sushi….when Really I LAUNCHED HIM. I’m past upset at how convoluted theories can b! Pls@let household n frns mourn in peace! Reality shall@prevail. CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!!!!”