Now, almost per week after Sushant’s dying, a grievance has been filed in a courtroom in Bihar, accusing actress Rhea Chakraborty of abetting the suicide of the late actor. Reportedly, Rhea and Sushant have been in a relationship. In response to stories, the petition has been filed by Kundan Kumar, a resident of Patahi locality in Muzaffarpur earlier than the courtroom of Chief Judicial Justice of the Peace Mukesh Kumar. The courtroom might be listening to the case against Rhea Chakraborty on June 24. 

In the meantime, earlier this week, an area advocate Sudhir Kumar Ojha filed a grievance towards Bollywood biggies Salman Khan, Karan Johar, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, and Ekta Kapoor underneath Sections 306, 109, 504 & 506 of IPC in reference to the actor’s death in a courtroom in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur. Talking to an information company, Ojha stated that he has alleged that Sushant was faraway from round seven movies, and a few of his movies weren’t launched. He stated that these conditions pressured him to take the acute step.